Thanks to both Presidio del Libro di Nardò, a cultural association that has been engaged for years in promoting reading and tackling the educational poverty, and to the active involvement of the Cultural Department of the City of Nardò, we will tell and discover these stories.

Culture, Creativity and Consciousness, these are the three capital C that will liven the next weeks up, thanks to the event Crocevia per lo Ionio that will make Nardò a magic place in which both authors and creative talents from all over Italy will walk down our streets made of "chianche" (Sheets of light stone typical of Apulian architecture) telling their stories.

It will start on 17th July exactly with the healthy carriers of fantasy and imagination: children. De facto, on 17th and 24th, Maria Rosaria de Benedettis (AKA Bea) will run two funny labs about animated reading and manual skills for kids (from 6 to 10 years).

"The choice to start with children is, as always, symbolic and important." says Dr. Massimiliano Caputo , President of Nardò Book Presidium and owner of the historic Libreria Fiore in via Duca degli Abruzzi.

“In fact, they were asked to give up memories and emotions during this difficult time. Furthermore, they will have to write the stories of tomorrow. Building the future without any dreams is impossible, the "grown-ups" have only the duty to give them imagination, fantasy and knowledge ".

During the following events very special guests: Sergio Rizzo, a journalist working for La Repubblica attentive and critic towards the reality we live in, Sabina Guzzanti and other appreciated authors like Mirko Sabatino and Nicoletta Bortolotti among those who will present their last novels.

The program and all the updates about guests and locations on the Facebook page of the Bookstore, Mondadori Point (Nardò).

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